
Saturday, December 12, 2015

In times of struggle, times of hardship, times of wondering why and trying to press on, one tends to lean, or push in towards a peace that will keep ones foundation pure and calm.  The land (not straight, yet ever rolling) still grounds the tree.  Witnessing these fields, this island, one tends to think on Casper David Friedrich and his light.  The train of monks entering the trees....as of now I photograph and a thirst develops to be those monks. For how exhausting the existence to those who live a life of slander and manipulation. For the Progress of the Pilgrim begins....and the knights are waiting. Oregon Territory, 2015

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Traditional Mayan Woman.

A traditional Mayan Woman and her dress. Extremely quiet, she waited on her husband, a protestant preacher who worked and met with the locals in the outskirts of El Quiche, Guatemala. 2015


Cecilia. Tears run down her face after receiving medical attention and food donations by local church volunteers from Chichicastengo, Guatemala. 2015.  Cecilia has been a widow for forty years. She is one hundred and fives years old.

Sunday, June 14, 2015



Joshua Zirschky

The work before you consists of a much larger vision. That vision is to bear witness upon humanity, capturing the everyday of the human condition. My calling as a photographer and working in the medium is not only to document the world theater but to ask questions.  
From the champion in the arena to the poverty riddled streets, I aim to open the window of light on the truths and untruths of the everyday before us.  Following in the great tradition of the photographic medium, I as a photographer have a heavy responsibility. That responsibility is to plunge deep into the agony and the ecstasy.  To experience and to watch. To breath in the heartbeat of this world. The beats in seconds of time, those 1/500th’s of a second. When geometry, light and emotional response fall in line; then I must at that very instant lock down on the moment and capture the true blood filled breath of humanity before me.   

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Color tells the story. Time moves along,  and the layers get even heavier, and yet still I will give my all too you.  LIBRE SOY!  "One for the dust son!" "One for the dust!"  Denim, with a nice nickel shine, a ring worth a thousand years, loyalty, what happened to the American West? "One for the dust son! One for the dust!" Put a bullet right between the blue, right into that nickel....and I am free...LIBRE SOY!....Guatemala 2015  

  -----The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority but to escape into the ranks of the insane.......Marcus Aurelius

Guatemala, 2015

Monday, June 1, 2015

Ex-Vietcong Soldier. Hanoi. Vietnam 2013
Bien. Ex-Prostitute working to get girls out of sex slavery. Hanoi, Vietnam. 2013

Streets. Greg Mallory. PDX 2014
Martin French. Artist/Professor/Mentor. 2014
John Van Patten. Drummer for No Kind of Rider. 2015

Once a utopia, shielded by its princes from the wave of Industrialization. Captured by the French, And suffering through its own genocide, Cambodia continues on.  Whats ahead for this nation? For its peoples?

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Killing Fields. Lead by Pol Pot in 1979 and the Khmer Rouge mass murdered over three million people.  Cambodia. 2013

The Markets were packed. people pushing, selling, surviving.  Behind the market, hundreds of colorful tombstones tell the history of Chichicastengo. Guatemala 2015

Multitudes of people rise early to walk towards the Aselsi clinic outside of Chichicastengo, Guatemala in order to seek medical attention from volunteer doctors and nurses. 2015
The Market of El Quiche Guatemala. Men and Women of all ages labor from the country into the city to sell goods. 2015

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Picasso I believe said "Eight years to paint like Raphael, and a life time to paint like a child."  School house. Cambodia. 2013